Full Testimonials

Embroided Bag from Jesline (Mother of Sec 3 & P6 students, 2021)


(Mother of Sec 3 & P6 students, 2021)

As a P5 parent way back in 2017, I was anxiously looking for a science tutor when my daughter scored 28/50 in Term 1 and I’m very grateful to have Teacher Constance as my daughter’s science tutor since March 2017. With the help from an experienced and patient tutor, my daughter’s science result improved from 28/50 in Term 1 to top the class by Term 4, which was really encouraging given such a short time frame, and an “A” for PSLE. My daughter requested to continue with Teacher Constance as she proceeded on to Secondary School and she managed to get into the Triple Science stream in Secondary Three (2021). From the bottom from my heart, Teacher Constance, thanks for the wonderful support, patience and attention given to her.

Seeing the great improvements from my daughter’s result and most importantly, being so patient with my daughter, I had requested Teacher Constance to leave a slot for my son who will be in P3 in 2018. Given that my son is dyslexic, Teacher Constance did not turn me down. Instead she took the extra steps in reading up and finding out more about how to help my son. Since Day 1, my son always looks forward to his Science tuition and requested for more lessons. With the encouragement and supports from Teacher Constance, my son is able to have a clear understanding of the science topics and learn how to apply the concepts. It is really a miracle for me that my son is able to consistently maintain his Science results at Band1/2 standard.

Once again, Teacher Constance, thanks for always going the extra mile for JC and finding different methods of teaching so that JC is able to understand the concepts better. We are really blessed to have you.

(Mother of P6 student in 2021)

Constance is a dedicated teacher who strives to help her students understand the science concepts, and getting them to write good answers.

With great passion, she tries to make lessons interesting by demonstrating science can be found in every day life. For example, she brings samples of seeds and show other videos to complement.

She is up-to-date with the latest MOE syllabus, exam format and questions. She is alert and has a keen eye for current trend of questions set in exams.

So glad that I found Constance for my child and I cannot stress enough the importance of finding a good teacher.

Mother of P6 student in 2020 who scored A for PSLE Science

Nicole started attending Dr Constance’s online classes earlier last year for P6 during Circuit Breaker.  Her explanations are very clear and detailed online and even on the homework she marked.

A very patient and encouraging teacher and helpful too! My girl is always a B student and she scored an A for her science in PSLE! I would like to thank Dr Constance for giving us the revision support when the exams were near even though we can only do it through emails due to Covid-19.

Card and Sunflower Lanyard hand made by Priscilla Goh (Student from 2016-18)


(P6 student who topped the class in 2017, Sec 2 in 2019)

Thank you for your guidance ever since P6. You have always been trying to encourage me and you always never give up on trying to teach me. You had helped me to go from 35 for Science in P6 SA1 to top my class for PSLE in just 17 weeks of teaching me.

Thank you for being patient with me and giving me the support although sometimes I feel discouraged with my results but you still never give up on teaching me. Your passion for teaching is wonderful!

I am so glad that God has placed you in my life and to have a kind, patient and passionate teacher to teach me. Once again, thank you for guiding me and I hope that you will still continue to inspire people and be passionate for what you want!

(P6 student in 2020 who scored A for PSLE Science)

At first, I did not have a strong interest for Science, but after going for Dr Constance’s online classes, I realised that Science is a really interesting subject! She taught me answering techniques, how I should phrase my answers and put in her 120% in every lesson! When she marks my work, she will also highlight to me specifically where I had gone wrong and tries her best to answer all my queries. She truly has an overwhelming passion for teaching. Even after PSLE, I still miss her lessons very much and I am immensely glad for her patience in teaching me and my classmates.

Toh Jia Hui (P5-Sec3 student (2017-21), improved from borderline pass to be consistently among the top 10% in class for Science)

Thank you so much for being so patient with me and being so nice to me. Thank you for making me have a huge interest for Science. You’ve always been so nice and understanding and that you have never failed to make me smile at the end of your lesson. Your life lessons for me are all interesting and meaningful. Every week, I always look forward to your lessons. I really have to thank God He sent me such a generous and intelligent teacher like you. I want you to know that I appreciate you and that I am grateful you are my teacher!